Insurance Appraisal

Protecting your assets by providing accurate valuations throughout Western Canada.

Our experienced insurance appraisers work throughout Western Canada. We complete replacement cost valuations for a wide range of property types and clients.

Knowing the replacement value of your property does two important things for you.

One, it can protect you in the event of a loss by making sure you have enough coverage. Two, the right value makes sure you are not overpaying premiums. We will also keep your value current with annual updates.

Contact us to schedule your inspection.

We Can Help You

Cassidy MacDonald, AACI, P.App

Principal Appraiser


Phone: 780-532-9788

Cassidy is a professional and knowledgeable commercial appraiser accredited through the Appraisal Institute of Canada. She successfully completed the CRP program through REIC. She has 10-years of experience completing reserve fund studies and depreciation reports across Alberta & British Columbia. Cassidy is proud to be a leader in business and looks forward to expanding and growing Balance Valuations.

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